Our goal is to provide you with the highest quality health care possible. If you are in need of assistance, please call us at 904.398.7205. For general inquiries, please complete the contact form. We will do our best to accommodate every request.
Schedule appointments by phone
To schedule an appointment, call 904.398.7205 and select the appropriate option below. We ask that you please have your insurance information ready.
- To schedule or change an appointment at any of our offices, press 1
- For billing questions, press 2
- To request medical records, press 3
- To speak with someone in our office, directions, or fax number, press 4
- To speak with someone in our Imaging Center, Infusion Center, Clinical Research or Watkins Allergy & Asthma Clinic, press 5
My BG Health patient portal
For My BG Health support use the contact form
Physician to Physician Call
For Hospital or Physician to Physician calls, press 7
Billing Questions
For billing questions please use the contact form or call us at the appropriate number above. You may also pay your bill online
General Questions
For general questions or comments, please use the contact form or call the office at 904.398.7205